Surfing Fort Point


Surfing Fort Point


“Surfing Fort Point” captures the exhilaration and beauty of surfing in San Francisco Bay. The painting depicts a lone surfer riding a wave under the imposing structure of the South Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge. The surfer's body is dynamically positioned, with arms extended and legs bent, as if in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the waves. The colors of the water range from deep blue to emerald green, reflecting the changing conditions of the ocean and the play of light and shadows. The bridge, painted in warm earth tones of orange and brown, provides a contrast to the cool tones of the water and the surfer, and adds a sense of stability and grandeur to the scene. The texture of the painting is rich and complex, combining smooth and rough surfaces to create a sense of depth and movement.

The painting captures the beauty and excitement of surfing in one of the most iconic locations in the world. Its formal tone evokes a sense of the beauty and power of nature and the bravery of those who venture out to experience it.

Measures 20 x 20”

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Denise Kramer is a classically trained artist whose creations capture her experiences racing sailboats. Her archival quality artwork amalgamates her passions for sailing, cartography, and sustainability, resulting in sailing-inspired fine art on repurposed nautical charts.